Sharon Mark

Sharon Mark grew up in Hemmingford, Quebec, where she still makes her home. She was interested in art from a very early age, influenced by her grandmother who painted landscapes in oils.

A self-taught artist, Mark was always attracted to landscapes as her subject matter. Using a naive, folk style, her tranquil country scenes are often filled with people and animals. She is highly influenced by the surrounding countryside, its farmlands, apple orchards, old stone houses, historic barns, and streams. Her close proximity to the Eastern Townships, the Charlevoix area and Maritimes also inspire her work.

Mark’s paintings are cheery and nostalgic, depicting an innocent world free of troubles and worries. Her work evokes a romantic view of family life, where chores and responsibilities are shared with free time to play and pursue one’s hobbies.

Mark started showing her work locally in the 1980’s and exhibiting in galleries in 1992. Her work is represented by galleries across Canada.

Artwork by Sharon Mark

Living By the River
Living By the River18″ x 18″
Fun On the Hill
Fun On the Hill12″ x 16″
Pumpkins & Sunflowers
Pumpkins & Sunflowers11″ x 14″
Winter Glory
Winter Glory10″ x 12″
White Church Road
White Church Road10″ x 12″
Apple Season
Apple Season10″ x 12″
Life Is Great
Life Is Great16″ x 20″SOLD
Nice Fall Day
Nice Fall Day5″ x 7″SOLD
Cold and Bright
Cold and Bright8″ x 8″SOLD
Autumn Warmth
Autumn Warmth10″ x 12″SOLD
Enjoying Fresh Air
Enjoying Fresh Air14″ x 18″SOLD