Picture Window
New Oil Paintings by Steve R. Coffey
September 28 – October 12, 2024
Woodlands Gallery presents, Picture Window, a solo exhibition of new works by Steve R. Coffey. Energetic, swirling skies rise above expansive prairies in these impressionistic oil paintings.
Born in Portage la Prairie and raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Coffey’s love for the prairie is as vast as its fields. Noting influences such as The Group of Seven, Emily Carr, and Alex Colville, Coffey’s paintings feature colourful, textured brushstrokes that capture the energy of the landscape. Lonesome trains trail across his canvases, the wind nipping at old clotheslines, the moon peeking through billowy clouds, enrobing the viewer in nostalgic reverie.
Coffey envisions his paintings as not just pictures, but windows, stating, “in my home I take care to maintain my windows with each season and proceed to watch the world go by in colour, swirls, shimmer, emotion, and mystery, forever igniting my senses.”
After achieving his MFA at the University of Regina in 1990, he practiced as a metal sculptor, eventually finding his way to oil painting. He now lives in Vulcan, Alberta with his wife and two daughters, dividing his time between painting and performing with his band. He has exhibited extensively and his work can be found in private and public collections throughout North America and Europe.
Please join us for the exhibition opening on Saturday, September 28th from 1-4pm. Coffey will be in attendance for an informal discussion of his work and light refreshments will be served.